TL-1 – Tube launched SUAS
TL-1 is a low cost, expendable, tube launched SUAS designed for autonomous operations in hostile airspace, featuring:
- Built-in onboard artificial intelligence (AI).
- Trainable neural networks for autonomous target recognition.
- Self-contained all-up-round (AUR) enables on demand rapid deployment.
- Highly efficient design with unparallel capabilities in a compact package.
- Extremely low acoustic, visual, and RCS signatures.
- Modular hardware and software architecture.
- Suitable for ISR, SIGINT, or decoy missions.
TL-1 is currently at TRL7. It has demonstrated successful deployment from land, water, and airborne platforms. Its open system architecture and modular design allow it to be quickly configured to suite a wide range of missions. The airframe is scalable in size to accommodate a variety of payloads and mission profile needs.